In Memory of Wicked

       The saying goes, “There ain’t no rest for the wicked.” Today that phrase is no longer accurate. Today, at just past 9am Wicked was allowed to finally rest. In the end he was surrounded by the people who loved him the most. It has been difficult to find the right words that could honor him. So much of who he was is beyond the scope of any language I know. He was special, he was an angel sent to me in the lowest, most difficult moment of my life. He was a constant companion. Always ready to go where ever I went, and upset at me if I didn’t take him with me. He was my constant, my guiding light in the sea of darkness. I would not be here without out him. I would not have accomplished what I have without him. I would not have had the courage to face my demons without him. There were times I frustrated him because I wouldn’t take care of myself. He loved me even in those times. But while my pain is beyond words right now, I also know that I do not hurt alone. Wicked touched so many peoples lives by just being his self. He was never trained to do what he did. That was just him. From the woman who was afraid of dogs but was able to feel brave enough to challenge that fear. To the 12-year girl who found comfort in his calmness to be able to share hurtful memories that she had held on to in silence before. To the many times he checked in with clients to make sure they were ok. To always being able to choose the person who was hurting the most in the room and provide comfort. He was the best that the world has to offer. I know that he will always be remembered. No one ever had anything negative to say about him in his entire lifetime. We should all be so lucky to live a life as pure as his. He was perfect for me. He was perfect. And so now he finally rests. A job well done. He will always live on in my heart. The best boy there ever was. Truly my better half.